999 Pest Control offer Deer Management Services for both commercial and domestic clients.
Please contact us to discuss your needs or concerns.
Call us on 07775 8011990
Six species of deer live wild in Britain today with a total population of around one million. Most species are increasing in numbers and range, notably in lowland regions.
The six species;
- Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)
- Fallow Deer (Dama dama)
- Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus)
- Sika Deer (Cervus Nippon)
- Muntjac Deer (Muntiacus reevesi)
- Chinese Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis)
Deer live mainly in woodland but will regularly invade farmland and gardens causing damage to crops and plants especially young trees and seedlings.
Deer are an important part of our wildlife, and are attractive animals which people enjoy seeing in our countryside. However, they must be managed to keep them in balance with their habitat and prevent serious damage to woodlands, trees, crops, gardens and other wildlife.
Deer Management Principles
Management should aim to maintain healthy deer populations in balance with their environment.
Prevention of deer problems should be the aim. Planning for the arrival and management of deer in new woodlands is important.
Without appropriate management the problems associated with too many deer will also spread. It may be desirable to prevent the spread of deer into new areas, or to restrict the colonisation of native species to former ranges.
Co-operation amongst neighbouring landowners is important to achieve effective management. Deer pay no heed to ownership boundaries and can range over wide areas, especially Red, Fallow and Sika deer.
Deer management requires a co-ordinated and planned series of actions including the need to determine;
• Whether there are deer present and of which species and how many
• Deciding whether deer are causing damage
• Ways in which deer problems can be prevented
Management of deer problems requires a combination of three approaches:
- Design and management of the habitat, especially woodlands
- Physical protection of vulnerable areas or individual trees
- Humane culling of deer over reasonably large areas to reduce and then maintain numbers at an acceptable level.
Too many deer can lead to:
• Damage to trees, woodland flora and wildlife habitats
• Damage to farm crops and gardens
• More traffic accidents
• Poor health for the deer themselves if their numbers are greater than the habitat can support.
999 Pest Control offer Deer Management Services for both commercial and domestic clients.
Please contact us to discuss your needs or concerns.
Call us on 07775 8011990