Professional help should be sought when dealing with a rabbit problem. Rabbits are particularly difficult to control because of the rate at which they breed and are able to colonize new areas.
In the event of a rabbit problem contact 999 Pest Control for free helpful advice.
Call 999 Pest Control on 07775 801190
Originally thought to have been introduced into Britain by The Normans wild rabbit are the largest economic wildlife pest species in the UK.
Rabbit damage is a major economic problem for British agriculture, costing the industry at least £100 million annually by destroying crops and grazing.
Common pest issues associated with Rabbits
- In extreme cases rabbits cause damage by digging. Rabbit burrows can undermine embankments and structures resulting in collapse. More commonly burrows and scrapes damage the surfaces of high quality amenity land such as golf courses, parks and playing pitches.
- New shoots on plants can be grazed down to ground level in a matter of minutes.
- Foliage and soft shoots of woody plants can be grazed up to a height of 50cm (20in) by rabbits standing up on their hind legs.
- Bark is commonly gnawed away from the base of tree trunks in winter when snow or frost make other vegetation unavailable. This can kill the tree if bark is removed the whole way around the trunk.
- The most common Rabbit damage are holes and scrapes in lawns and flower beds. Rabbits primarily feed on grass and leafy plants such as farm crops, but they will feed on bulbs in gardens and woodland, causing extensive damage wherever they go.
- Rabbits are costly pests to have for many farmers, landowners, stately homes and golf courses, where plants are destroyed, holes are dug and the acidic droppings kill off lawned areas.
Professional help should be sought when dealing with a rabbit problem. Rabbits are particularly difficult to control because of the rate at which they breed and are able to colonize new areas.
In the event of a rabbit problem contact 999 Pest Control for free helpful advice.
Call 999 Pest Control on 07775 801190