The best way to get rid of a spider that has just been spotted is the tumbler method. Place a tumbler over them, so that their movement is restricted; next, sliding a card under the glass and taking it outdoors (a little distance away from the home) release it.
However 999 Pest Control does recognise not all people are comfortable in dealing with spiders therefore please feel free to give us a call for advice or help.
Call 999 Pest Control on 07775 801190
Spiders have colonised all of the planets environments with the exception of salt water.
All spiders are predators and are a valuable species for the biological control of invertebrates.
Spiders are widespread throughout Britain with many living in homes, factories and shops.
It is estimated that there would be two million spiders living on one acre of rough grassland in Britain.
Pest Concern
All spiders are capable of injecting poison from their fangs into their prey. However very few spiders in Britain are able to puncture human skin and even fewer can cause problems if they do.
There is however one spider with an increasing reputation for causing nuisance in Britain;
The False Widow Spider
The False Widow Spider is not native to Britain. It is believed it was accidentally introduced over a century ago, possibly in crates of fruit imported from the Canary & Madeira Islands. It was generally only found in the South West but recent mild winters have seen an increase in numbers in Southern England.
They can give a painful bite which has been likened to bee or wasp stings. However bites are rare and usually result from handling the spider roughly or from a spider being trapped between clothing and skin. The symptoms are usually no more severe than a bee or wasp sting, but a handful of those who have been bitten have described more acute symptoms including throbbing pain, swelling and tingling in the fingers.
They have a glossy sleek outer surface with coloured markings on the back and abdomen. Females grow to 15mm. The web they spin is not the typical wheel formation but is made up of many short irregularly placed strands which sometimes hang like a hammock. They can be found in houses but are usually found in outdoor spaces e.g. sheds and garages.
The best way to get rid of a spider that has just been spotted is the tumbler method. Place a tumbler over them, so that their movement is restricted; next, sliding a card under the glass and taking it outdoors (a little distance away from the home) release it.
However 999 Pest Control does recognise not all people are comfortable in dealing with spiders therefore please feel free to give us a call for advice or help.
Call 999 Pest Control on 07775 801190