Traditionally the control of moles is carried out by trapping.
999 Pest Control can help you with any concerns regarding moles.
Talpa europaea
Moles are common throughout The United Kingdom. They are found wherever there are suitable soils for tunnelling. The most obvious signs of moles are their numerous molehills on the surface of fields and gardens etc.
Damaged caused by Moles
- Molehills are unsightly and can cause damage to the blades of grass cutting machinery.
- Moles damage lawns and create many tunnels underground which break up the structure of lawns and gardens
- Moles will tunnel through herbaceous borders and flower beds
- Moles cause particular issues in arable areas. It is not uncommon for livestock to damage legs when walking over mole tunnels or stepping onto molehills.
- Moles in paddocks are especially problematic and can lead to broken legs in valuable and loved horses.
Traditionally the control of moles is carried out by trapping.
999 Pest Control can help you with any concerns regarding moles.